A corporate network may have its computers connected through a local
area network. governed by certain rules. Further. this network may be
connected with other networks. But, if different networks are governed
by different rules, will they be able to communicate with one another?
Imagine a group of people having one Tamilian. one Bengali, one
Himachali. one Mizo and one from Maharashtra trying to communicate
with each other in their own native languages, failing to understand
what the other person is trying to say. Theretore. to communicate with
each other, some common standard must be followed.
Functioning of the Internet is not controlled by any one particular
organisation. It is managed by a group of voluntary organisations. These
voluntary organisations have formed the Intermet Society. They decide
on the rules, known as protocols, for communication over the Internet.
The different networks may have their own rules that they follow
internally. but when they communicate with each other. they must
follow some common rules. It's ike we speaking our mother tongue at
home, but while communicating in a mixed group. we use a common
language. mainly. Hindi or English.
In order to work with the Internet we need to know certain related terms
like www. web browsers, web pages, websites, etc. We should know how
to get connected to thhe Internet. Once connected how to use it.
Most of the terms on the Internet are prefixed with the term web.
The electronie pages seen on the Internet are known as web pages. A
web page can be defined as the document that we see on the Intermet.
Many web pages linked with each other combine to form a website. A
web page can be written in the language known as HTML (Hyper
Text Markup Language). HTML is a very simple language having a
number of options to represent text. Many other scripting languages
have now been developed which can be embedded into HTML. giving
it the power to interact with the users. (These are discussed in detail
in the next Unit). These dynamic web pages can take inputs from
users and give information accordingly taking in the location of the
user before displaying the weather forecast. For example, a protocol
called Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is used to transmit and
receive the web pages.
The web is a collection of a huge amount of information. Every single
web page consists of some information and also a number of links.
which connects us to other related web pages. To visit the linked
web pages. Just click over the linked text and the next web page
opens up.
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